Su Naujais Metais! Laimės, svajonių realių, sėkmės!
Happy New Year my dear friends! Be happy!
С Новым годом! Счастья и удачи Всем!
2011 m. gruodžio 31 d., šeštadienis
2011 m. gruodžio 22 d., ketvirtadienis
This is not a little teddy bear, this is a good household spirit brownie* - Soli.
He will perfectly take care of flowers, whisk dusts from old books, help to find lost small things. And sometimes he'll take some of these small things to have some joy.
Soli's height is 17 centimeters (6.6 inches).
He will perfectly take care of flowers, whisk dusts from old books, help to find lost small things. And sometimes he'll take some of these small things to have some joy.
Soli's height is 17 centimeters (6.6 inches).
2011 m. gruodžio 15 d., ketvirtadienis
2011 m. gruodžio 11 d., sekmadienis
2011 m. gruodžio 5 d., pirmadienis
2011 m. gruodžio 1 d., ketvirtadienis
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